Lights Out Warehouse (under development)

An interactive visual novel for exploring ethics as an automation engineer


Platform: PC/Mac/Online
Engine: Unity
Genre(s): Interactive Visual Novel
Project Duration: May 2022 – Present
Team: Solo Project
My Role: Narrative/Writing, Design, and Development

Lights Out Warehouse is an interactive visual novel currently under development that focuses on issues of warehouse automation in companies such as Amazon and Walmart from the point of view of an automation engineer.

The game is set in a fictional corporation called NileCorp that is in the business of eCommerce/shipping. The player takes the role of an engineer as part of NileCorp’s automation team. Their team’s task is to automate the local warehouses. Ordinarily, this would result in many warehouse workers losing their jobs. But is there a more ethical resolution that benefits everybody?

I am developing the dialogue system of this game from scratch in Unity as a way of learning and exploring ScriptableObjects and game programming patterns in Unity. I have developed a branching tree pattern + folder structure to store the dialogues for the game and I customized the Unity editor to enable quick editing of the ScriptableObjects.

Narrative Design

The story is divided into five main acts.

  1. The Research
  2. The Robot
  3. The Warehouse
  4. The Slowdown
  5. The Deadline

Each act if a series of conversations with different characters. These conversations take the form of multiple-choice dialogues, and the choices are designed to encompass a mixture of views and different ways of saying them. You can explore the premise of each act below!